About Course
- ➣ 1 Year Access with Dynamically Updated Content.
- ➣ Crack Internal Coding Test
- ➣ Weekly Doubt Clearing Classes.
What Will You Learn?
- Problem-solving is crucial for FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google) interviews because these companies have a reputation for conducting rigorous technical interviews. Problem-solving skills are tested to evaluate a candidate's ability to think critically, analyze complex scenarios, and develop efficient solutions.
Course Content
1. Lesson 1
127. Word ladder | Hard
25:29 -
1.3. Connected Components
08:39 -
1.4. Edges In Graph
2. Lesson 2
208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | Medium
50:54 -
211. Design Add and Search Words Data Structure | Medium
32:46 -
676. Implement Magic Dictionary | Medium
3. Lesson 3
1046. Last Stone Weight | Easy
01:02:57 -
215. Kth Largest Element In An Array | Medium
22:09 -
973.Kth Closest Point To Origin | Medium
4. Lesson 4
94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | Easy
37:52 -
103. Binary Tree ZigZag Level Order Traversal | Medium
36:28 -
543. Diameter Of Binary Tree | Easy
31:33 -
104. Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree | Easy
5. Lesson 5
73. Set Matrix Zeroes | Medium
01:03:01 -
146. LRU Cache | Medium
35:04 -
380. Insert Delete Get Random O(1) | Medium
6. Lesson 6
641. Design Circular Deque | Medium
22:26 -
1352. Product Of Last K Numbers | Medium
19:40 -
232. Implement Queue Using Stack | Easy
38:52 -
6.4. Sliding Window Maximum
7. Lesson 7
7.1. Bucket Sort
19:15 -
7.2. Radix Sort To Sort String
03:00 -
7.3. Radix Sort
29:26 -
7.4. Sorting Candies Problem and Count Sort
8. Lesson 8
921. Minimum Add To Make Parentheses Valid | Medium
20:35 -
1249. Minimum Remove To Make Valid Parentheses | Medium
20:46 -
84. Largest Rectangle In Histogram | Hard
39:51 -
20. Valid Parentheses | Easy
9. Lesson 9
20. Problem On Binary Search | Medium
20:41 -
34. Find First and Last Position Of Element In Sorted Array | Medium
15:08 -
162. Find Peak Element | Medium
06:29 -
852. Peak Index In a Mountain Array | Medium
06:14 -
704. Binary Search | Easy
16:37 -
4. Median Of Two Sorted Arrays | Hard
11. Lesson 11
69. Sqrt(x) | Easy
12. Lesson 12
1. Two sum | Easy
21:30 -
68. Binary search and median of two sorted arrays | Hard
10:52 -
11 .Container with most water | Medium
21:23 -
49. Group anagrams | Medium
13. Lesson 13
73. Set Matrix Zeroes | Medium
32:10 -
13.2. Valid Sudoku
33:09 -
42. Trapping Rain Water | Hard
14. Lesson 14
122. Best time to buy and sell stocks | Medium
26:54 -
154. Find minimum in rotated sorted array | hard
30:02 -
138. Product of array except self | Medium
15. Lesson 15
135. Candy problem | Hard
24:36 -
303. Range sum query immutable | Easy
22:33 -
13. Roman to integer | Easy
22:02 -
75. Sort colors | Medium
16. Lesson 16
75. Sort colors | Medium
19:38 -
3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Medium
26:45 -
904. Fruit into Baskets | Medium
25:46 -
68. Text Justification | Hard
17. Lesson 17
66. Plus One | Easy
17:24 -
66. Plus One | Easy
35:08 -
560. Subarray Sum Equals k | Medium
31:17 -
41. First Missing Positive | Hard
18. Lesson 18
202. Happy Number | Easy
21:44 -
202. Happy Number II | Easy
32:14 -
707. Design Linked List | Medium
19. Lesson 19
328. Odd Event Linked List | Medium
19:42 -
234. Palindrome Linked List | Easy
24:04 -
725. Split linked list in parts | Medium
18:58 -
19.4. Copy list with random pointer
20. Lesson 20
146. LRU Cache | Medium
25:21 -
Leetcode 382. Swapping Nodes In Linked List
14:47 -
206. Reverse Linked List | Medium
29:45 -
382. Linked-List-Random-Node | Medium
21. Lesson 21
203. Remove Linked List Elements | Easy
20:28 -
82. Remove Duplicates From Sorted List | Medium
23:34 -
341. Flatten Nested List Iterator | Medium
23:42 -
430. Flatten A Multilevel Doubly Linked List | Medium
22. Lesson 22
56. Set Matrix Zeroes | Medium
27:42 -
496. Merge Intervals | Medium
26:56 -
496. Next Greater Element I | Easy
27:49 -
6. Zig Zag Conversion | Medium
23. Lesson 23
121. Best Time To Buy And Sell Stocks | Easy
17:38 -
442. Find All Duplicates In An Array | Medium
20:13 -
387. First Unique Character In A String | Easy
15:20 -
695. Max Area Of Island | Medium
24. Lesson 24
1290. Convert binary number in a linked list to integer | Easy
18:04 -
147. Insertion Sort List | Medium
25:31 -
61. Rotate list | Medium
25. Lesson 25
70. Climbing stairs | Easy
31:48 -
104. Maximum depth of binary tree | Easy
13:33 -
75. Sort colors | Medium
17:34 -
62. Unique paths | Medium
26. Lesson 26
102. Binary tree level order traversal | Medium
11:12 -
91. Decode Ways | Medium
33:40 -
116. Populating next right pointers in each node | Medium
12:00 -
42. Trapping Rain Water | Hard
27. Lesson 27
388. Longest absolute file path | Medium
35:19 -
155. Min stack | Medium
30:10 -
20. Valid parentheses | Easy
28. Lesson 28
28.1. Codeforce Minimum Possible LCM Tree
48:24 -
28.2. Codeforce Parsa’s Humongous tree problem
30. Lesson 30
103. Zig Zag Level Order Traversal | Medium
20:58 -
98. Validate Binary Search Tree | Medium
17:43 -
124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | Hard
25:01 -
1373. Maximum Sum BST in Binary Tree | Hard
21:52 -
199. Binary Tree Right Side View | Medium
15:11 -
199. Binary Tree Left Side View | Medium
31. Lesson 31
31.1 Symmetric Trees
17:55 -
103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal | Medium
22:57 -
113. Path Sum II | Medium
18:41 -
113. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | Medium
32. Lesson 32
32.1 Daily Temperatures Problem
21:59 -
32.2 Design Add and Search Words Data Structure
29:11 -
32.3 Distribute Coins in a Binary Tree
33. Lesson 33
33.1 Rotting Oranges
33:43 -
33.2 Clone Graph
22:05 -
33.3 Best Time To Buy and Sell Stock III
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